I left the womb and all I got was this lousy tshirt
I've come to the conclusion that I have GOT to get out of the house more. The past few months, I've been so tired that I haven't been doing my usual evening jaunts to Target, the gym, the library, etc.... I mean, I feel like I've got a fairly reasonable excuse in that I am really wiped out by the time I get home, but this lying around watching tv is getting really old. I need to, at the very least, find some good books to read or take up knitting or something. Especially with it being summertime, there is a dearth of interesting things to see on the tv. A dearth, I say! So I'm really going to try to get myself in gear and relearn how to entertain myself. Sure, I can't run to the mall and try on cute tshirts anymore, but I can always go and find accessories. Or better yet, actual things for the baby. So far I've been given some baby gifts, but once we know the sex, I'm going to start hitting the baby clothes section to find cute onesies that say things like "I brake for binkies." Yeah.
I definitely think you should take up a new hobby like knitting or something. But do try to enjoy this downtime because it's the last time you'll have nothing to do.
I do kind of worry that when I'm on maternity leave, I'll go crazy. I seriously think all this extra estrogen is turning me into a different person. Ack!
I will see if Aunt Patty
my sister will embroider that one for you!
Love,Your Mother-in-law
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