Friday, January 30, 2009

Did you know your last name is an adverb?

This morning on the way to work, J and I were talking about the inherent flaw of rap and rock music: that these artists usually get to the top relating the suffering they've endured in the inner city, or struggling to make it in the music world, having no money, no women, etc.... So then once they get famous, they suddenly have everything they want and, therefore, having nothing interesting to say anymore. I mean, really, does anybody want to hear another song about how rich and popular Nelly is? Or how much whiskey Motley Crue can drink? I know I don't. And I think that the reason women singers are able to enjoy a little more longevity is because many of them sing about relationships, and even if you're rich, that doesn't make you immune from getting screwed over by some dude. I mean, Stevie Nicks has spent 40 years singing about feeling lonely. 40 YEARS. Incredible.

But that's my theory du jour. Tomorrow: why I think you don't see many African American swimmers in the Olympics. It's all about socioeconomics and pools, my friends. Oh yes.

And I'm very excited about the Super Bowl on Sunday. I'll be rooting for the Cardinals because I could not be more annoyed with the Steelers. Take that, Mark!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oooohhhh- now should I tell Mark you said that? He thinks the Cardinals will make it a really good game!

9:51 AM  
Blogger Ann said...

Go ahead and tell him. It's on now!

10:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My friend went to the Eagles/Cardinals game and the Cardinals fans spit on her! Ann, this is my friend that you met when I was in Ohio- can you imagine anyone spitting on her???

11:29 AM  
Blogger Ann said...

No!!! That is not cool at all! Geez, I had no idea Cardinals fans were so awful. I might rethink this whole thing. Maybe I could just root for the refs...?

12:42 PM  

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