Thursday, January 29, 2009

It was so good, I almost peed my pants

While it was nice to actually sleep last night, I am disturbed by the dream I was having: I was helping the contestants from the Christian Siriano year of Project Runway swim around the Hudson River in sequined alligator costumes, only to be interrupted by Angelina Jolie showing up and asking me to babysit her adopted kids. And instead of paying me money, she offered to give me a share of her business, which she called her "salt lick." What? It seems like no matter what I do, I'm going to wake up confused in the morning.

Have I mentioned yet how ready I am for spring? We had a snow day off work yesterday (which was great, don't get me wrong), but I am just sick and tired of temperatures in the single digits, trudging through ice and snow every day and trying not to slide off the road on the way home from work. Ugh. Once Christmas is over, winter is such a waste.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't wait for Spring either!

1:20 PM  
Blogger Ann said...


2:46 PM  

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