Friday, October 29, 2010

The Monster Mash

We had a delightful trick-or-treat experience last night. Jon the Fireman stayed out waaaay longer than I expected, and Heidi the Pooh fell asleep in the stroller, so all was good. I handed out candy on the porch while J went with the kids from house to house. That was interesting. All the kids were very polite and I saw a lot of cute costumes, but the highlight had to be a young man dressed like Bruce Lee who did a running backflip off our hickory tree. That is something you don't see every day.

But now we have Thanksgiving to look forward to. Nice. I love me some Thanksgiving. Of course, in the next month we've also got two doctor's appointments for Tiny H, 3 more exams to grade and the grind of getting classes ready every week. So it'll probably go by way quicker than I realize...shoot, it just occurred to me that I'm already behind on thinking about Christmas shopping. Dang it!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Why I'm quitting tobacco

Whoo Nelly, have I gotten out of the habit of this. I switched from staff to faculty and, consequently, I am on campus only a couple days a week. So, sure, you'd think that would give me more time to blog, but it turns out that watching a 2- and 1-year-old all day long is really time-consuming. Huh. Note to self.
Anyway, besides Heidi's epilepsy, things really aren't that interesting. I mostly watch Disney during the day and try to sneak in some recorded programs at night. Oooh, that's new though--I'm finally done nursing and getting up in the middle of the night, so I don't have to go to sleep at 9 p.m. anymore! Score! It's the little things.
I have to go grade my Romanticism midterms now. Fun stuff. But I will leave you readers out there with this thought: is it self-loathing of me to never want to eat my own cooking? Or am I simply just bad at it?